A Simple Nectar Recipe to Attract Hummingbird

Hummingbirds, with their iridescent feathers and mesmerizing aerial acrobatics, are a captivating sight in any backyard. To attract these tiny dynamos, offering a homemade nectar solution is a surefire way to bring them buzzing. But don’t worry, creating hummingbird nectar is surprisingly simple!   

This guide will take you step-by-step through the process, ensuring you create a delicious and safe energy source for your feathered friends.

Gathering Your Supplies:

Before you begin, gather a few key ingredients and tools:

  • Granulated Sugar: The hummingbird’s fuel of choice, plain white sugar is all you need.
  • Tap Water: Regular tap water is perfectly suitable for the recipe.
  • Measuring Cups: Two measuring cups, one for sugar and one for water, will ensure accurate proportions.
  • Pot or Saucepan: A pot to heat the water and dissolve the sugar.
  • Spoon: For stirring.
  • Hummingbird Feeder: Make sure your feeder is clean before filling it with fresh nectar.

A Step-by-Step Guide:

1.Measure Your Sugar: Using your measuring cups, scoop out 1 part sugar. You can adjust the amount based on your desired batch size. For a small batch, ½ cup of sugar works well.

2.Pour the Sugar: Add the measured sugar to your pot or saucepan.

3.Measure the Water: Now, using the other measuring cup, measure out 4 parts water. For the ½ cup of sugar, you’d need 2 cups of water.

4.Heat the Water: Turn on your stovetop burner to medium heat and place the pot with water on it. Bring the water to a boil. You’ll see bubbles rapidly forming on the surface.

5.Dissolve the Sugar: Once the water boils, carefully remove the pot from the heat. Pour the sugar into the hot water.

6.Stir it Up: Using your spoon, gently stir the mixture until all the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. This is crucial! Undissolved sugar can be harmful to hummingbirds.

7.Cool Down Completely: Let the sugar water cool completely before filling your feeder. Hot nectar can burn a hummingbird’s tongue. Leave it on the counter for a couple of hours or place it in the refrigerator to speed things up.

Filling the Feeder and Keeping it Fresh:

  • Once the sugar water is cool, fill your clean hummingbird feeder with the nectar. Avoid overfilling it.
  • Hang the feeder in a sheltered spot outdoors where hummingbirds can easily find it. Choose a location away from direct sunlight, which can heat up the nectar too quickly.


  • Change the nectar solution every 3-5 days, especially during hot weather. Spoiled nectar can grow mold, making hummingbirds sick.
  • Clean your feeders regularly with hot, soapy water to prevent mold growth.

Creating a Backyard Paradise Exclusively for Hummingbirds

Attracting hummingbirds is about more than just offering a tasty treat. Here’s how to create a backyard haven that caters exclusively to these dazzling jewels:

  • Feeder Design:
  • Feeder Selection: Opt for feeders specifically designed for hummingbirds. These feeders typically have small feeding ports with perches nearby, allowing hummingbirds to hover comfortably while sipping nectar. Avoid brightly colored feeders, as these can attract insects instead. Red accents are okay, but focus on the functionality for hummingbirds.
  • Feeder Placement: Hang your feeders in sheltered areas with some protection from wind and rain. Ideally, position them near flowering plants to create a natural feeding circuit for the hummingbirds. Space feeders out at least 5 feet apart to discourage territorial behavior.
    • Ditch the Bee Guards: While some feeders come with bee guards, these can actually be counterproductive for hummingbirds. Hummingbirds are quite agile and can navigate around them. Bee guards can also trap smaller hummingbirds.
  • Minimize Other Attractants:
    • Skip the Additives: Resist the urge to add red food coloring or artificial sweeteners to your nectar solution. These can be harmful to hummingbirds. Pure sugar water is all they need.
    • Fruit for Hummingbirds Only: If you want to offer fruit, opt for small, brightly colored varieties like halved strawberries or banana slices. However, be aware that these can also attract unwanted visitors like insects and fruit flies.
    • Consider a Water Feature: While a birdbath with moving water won’t necessarily deter other creatures, it can be a great addition for keeping hummingbirds cool and hydrated, especially during hot weather.

Enjoy watching these fascinating creatures as they become regular visitors to your own little hummingbird paradise!

Bonus Tip: Hummingbirds are incredibly fast and agile fliers. To enhance your viewing experience, consider placing your feeders near a window or patio where you can comfortably relax and observe these tiny marvels of nature. You might even be tempted to set up a comfortable chair with a hummingbird field guide to identify the different species that visit your yard!