Top 10 Gardening Tasks for August

For gardeners, August is a busy but rewarding month. As you enjoy the fruits of your labor, it’s also time to prepare for the cooler months ahead. Here are the top ten gardening tasks to tackle in August:

1. Deadheading

Keep your garden looking its best by deadheading, which involves removing dead or dying flowers. This simple task encourages plants to produce more blooms and helps prevent pests and diseases. A tidy garden without dead flowers looks vibrant and healthy.

Tips for Effective Deadheading:

  • Regularly check your garden for dead flowers, especially during peak bloom.
  • Deadhead during cooler parts of the day to reduce plant stress.
  • Dispose of dead flowers in a compost bin or yard waste container.

2. Pruning


Proper pruning promotes healthy growth, improves plant shape, and prevents disease. By cutting back overgrown areas, you encourage new growth and strengthen the plant. Pruning also helps maintain the plant’s desired shape and size, contributing to a neat and organized garden. Additionally, it improves airflow around the plant, reducing the risk of fungal diseases.

When pruning, inspect the plant for dead, damaged, or crowded branches. Use clean, sharp pruning shears or scissors to make precise cuts, always cutting at a slight angle just above a healthy bud or branch junction.

Different plants have varying pruning needs, so it’s important to research the specific requirements for each type. To minimize stress on the plant, try to prune during the cooler parts of the day.

3. Install Plant Covers

August brings hot days and cooler nights, making plant covers essential for maintaining a consistent temperature around your plants. Using covers like burlap fabric can protect your plants from daytime heat stress and nighttime chill, creating a microclimate that extends the growing season for late-season crops.

Benefits of Plant Covers:

  • Protect plants from extreme temperatures.
  • Prevent damage from insects, birds, and small animals, reducing the need for pesticides.
  • Maintain consistent moisture levels by limiting exposure to rain and overhead watering, thus reducing the risk of fungal diseases.

Types and Usage:

  • Choose covers made from materials like cloth or burlap, suitable for your plants.
  • Use row covers, cloches, or shade cloths as needed.
  • Secure the edges with stakes, rocks, or soil to prevent them from blowing away.
  • Regularly check under the covers for pests or signs of disease and ensure proper ventilation.

4. Collect Seeds and Ripe Seed Pods

Collecting seeds and ripe seed pods in August ensures you have enough to sow for the next growing season. This practice not only saves money but also preserves unique and heirloom varieties, promoting genetic diversity in your garden.

To collect seeds, look for plants with mature seed pods or flowers that have dried up and produced firm, dry seeds. Gently remove the seeds or seed pods from the plant, being careful not to damage them. Spread the seeds out on a paper towel or screen in a cool, dry place to allow them to dry completely. This prevents mold and rot during storage. Once dry, place the seeds in labeled envelopes or containers and store them in a cool, dark, and dry place until you’re ready to plant them next season.

5. Water Regularly, Especially After a Hot Weather Forecast

Regular watering is crucial for maintaining a healthy garden in August. It prevents plant stress, supports growth, maintains soil health, and reduces the risk of disease. By watering deeply and at the right times, you ensure your garden remains vibrant and productive throughout the summer.

Besides preventing heat stress, regular watering helps plants absorb nutrients from the soil. Consistent moisture promotes beneficial microbial activity, which helps break down organic matter and release nutrients, creating a fertile environment for plants. Proper watering techniques include watering in the early morning or late evening to reduce evaporation and using mulch to help retain soil moisture.

By following these practices, you can keep your garden healthy and thriving even during the hottest months.

6. Sow Hardy Annuals

Planting hardy annuals in August is essential for maintaining a vibrant garden. This practice extends the blooming period, strengthens plants, optimizes garden space, and reduces your spring workload.

By sowing hardy annuals in late summer, you allow them to establish roots before winter. This results in early blooms next spring, bringing color and beauty to your garden much sooner than if you waited until spring to plant. Once summer crops and flowers fade, use the vacant garden space to plant hardy annuals, keeping your garden productive and lively.

Choose hardy annuals that are well-suited to your local climate, with native plants being an excellent choice. Common options include pansies, calendula, and larkspur. Follow the seed packet instructions for depth and spacing, gently pressing the seeds into the soil and covering them lightly. Ensure the soil remains moist but not waterlogged, as consistent moisture helps seeds germinate and establish roots.

7. Check for Signs of Pests or Diseases

Regularly inspecting your garden for pests and diseases is crucial. Early detection prevents the spread of issues, protects plant health, and can improve yields without the need for chemical treatments.

Inspecting your garden involves looking for holes, discoloration, or unusual spots on the leaves, which can be signs of insect damage or disease. Examine the stems and roots for any signs of rot, mold, or damage, as healthy stems should be firm and free of lesions. Many pests hide on the undersides of leaves, so it’s important to check these areas for insects, eggs, or larvae.

If you find any diseased or infested parts, remove them immediately to prevent the spread. Using natural remedies such as neem oil, insecticidal soap, or introducing beneficial insects can help control pest populations. Improving air circulation through proper spacing and pruning also reduces the chances of fungal diseases. Keeping the garden clean by removing fallen leaves and debris helps eliminate hiding spots for pests and diseases.

8. Harvest and Freeze Fresh Herbs

Harvesting and freezing fresh herbs for winter use is a great way to preserve their flavor, save money, reduce waste, and add convenience to your cooking. To capture the best flavor and aroma, pick herbs at their peak freshness.

Harvest herbs in the morning after the dew has dried but before the heat of the day, as this is when their flavor is most concentrated. Choose leaves from healthy, pest-free plants, avoiding any that are yellowed or damaged. Rinse the herbs gently to remove dirt or insects, and pat them dry with a paper towel or use a salad spinner.

There are several methods to freeze herbs:

  1. Whole Leaves: Spread washed and dried leaves on a baking sheet and freeze. Once frozen, transfer the leaves to an airtight container or freezer bag.
  2. Herb Cubes: Chop the herbs and place them in ice cube trays. Fill the trays with water or olive oil and freeze. Once solid, transfer the cubes to freezer bags.
  3. Purees: Blend the herbs with a small amount of water or oil to make a paste. Freeze the paste in ice cube trays and store the cubes in freezer bags.

Label your containers or bags with the type of herb and the date of freezing. Having a supply of frozen herbs allows you to add flavor to your dishes easily throughout the winter without the need to buy fresh or dried herbs.

9. Monitor Mulch Regularly

Regularly monitoring mulch is essential for maintaining a healthy garden. This includes keeping the right thickness, checking for pests, managing moisture levels, and refreshing mulch as needed.

Mulch helps retain soil moisture by reducing evaporation, which is especially important in August when high temperatures can quickly dry out the soil. It also acts as an insulating layer, keeping the soil cooler and protecting plant roots from extreme temperature fluctuations. Additionally, mulch prevents weed seeds from germinating by blocking sunlight, and reducing competition for water and nutrients.

To ensure mulch is effective, maintain a layer of 2-3 inches. Thin mulch may not effectively retain moisture, regulate temperature, or suppress weeds. Use a rake to check the thickness periodically and add more mulch if it has thinned out. If the existing mulch is breaking down too much, add a new layer to maintain its benefits. Regular monitoring and maintenance of mulch create a stable environment for your plants, leading to better growth and resilience during the hot summer months.

10. Start Planning for Spring-Blooming Plants

Planning for spring-blooming plants in August is essential for a thriving garden. This early preparation ensures you plant at the optimal time, choose the best selection of plants, prepare your soil, and design an attractive landscape.

Many spring-blooming plants, like tulips, daffodils, and crocuses, need to be planted in the fall. Planning in August allows you to prepare and plant bulbs at the right time for optimal growth. This early start also gives you ample time to enrich your soil with compost and other nutrients, ensuring a healthy environment for your spring plants.

To plan your spring garden, research various spring-blooming plants to decide which ones to include. Consider factors such as bloom time, color, height, and care requirements. Create a timeline for when to plant each type of bulb or seed to ensure you don’t miss the ideal planting window.

August is also a good time to start preparing your soil. Test the soil pH and add necessary amendments to create a fertile growing environment. Plan where each plant will go, considering groupings for maximum visual impact and ensuring plants have enough space to grow. Start purchasing bulbs, seeds, and other gardening supplies early to be ready when planting time comes.

By planning in August, you set the stage for a beautiful and successful spring garden.