8 Best Patio Plants for a Lush Outdoor Space

As the weather turns pleasant, you’ll find yourself drawn to spending more time outdoors, and what better way to enhance your patio experience than by incorporating the vibrant colors, enticing fragrances, and natural beauty that plants bring? Whether you fancy flowers, herbs, edibles, or a combination, your patio can be transformed into a visually captivating oasis. To ensure year-round appeal, consider planting a mix of annuals and perennials, which will bloom season after season. Additionally, don’t hesitate to switch up your plant selection annually or with changing seasons to keep your patio looking fresh.

Now, let’s delve into a curated list of 8 top patio plants to inspire your gardening endeavors and allow you to reap the rewards of your efforts!

1. Fan Flowers

Fan flowers, resembling miniature fans, are charming and resilient annual plants that continue to bloom throughout the summer months. Available in various hues including purple, blue, white, and pink, they make a striking addition when cascading from containers. Thriving best in full sun, fan flowers are an attractive choice for adding vibrant splashes of color to your outdoor space.

2. Strawberry Plant

Consider incorporating perennial edibles into your patio garden for a delightful addition. Modern ever-bearing strawberry varieties boast petite, visually appealing berries that almost appear too beautiful to consume. Placing them in tall pots not only adds aesthetic appeal but also serves as a practical deterrent against potential nibblers like chipmunks and other rodents. Ensure ample sunlight for strawberries as they thrive best in full sun conditions.

3. Chrysanthemums

In late summer, refresh your garden by replacing faded annuals with these heralds of fall. Chrysanthemums, or mums, offer a spectrum of hues that complement the seasonal abundance of gourds and pumpkins, creating a festive and vibrant display. Optimal for full sun conditions, mums are the perfect choice to infuse your outdoor space with autumnal charm.

4. Cuphea

To attract hummingbirds, consider planting these remarkable annuals! Their vibrant, orange tubular flowers are irresistible to pollinators, ensuring frequent visits throughout the season. Due to their expansive growth, these annuals require ample space, making them ideal candidates for individual containers. Cuphea thrives in full sun conditions, making it an excellent choice for a sunny spot in your garden.

5. Begonias

Begonias offer a plethora of rich, saturated hues ranging from white, pink, and orange to rose or red. These resilient plants boast continuous blooming throughout the season without the need for deadheading, persisting until the arrival of a hard frost. Known for their robust nature, begonias are remarkably durable and forgiving. Some varieties are cultivated for their striking foliage, adding another dimension to their appeal. While most begonias thrive in part to full sun, ensuring they receive adequate sunlight will promote optimal growth and blooming.

6. Roses

Contrary to common belief, roses are quite resilient! Shrub or landscape varieties thrive when planted in pots, but it’s crucial to choose pots that can endure freezing temperatures during the winter months. Materials like ceramic and terra cotta are not ideal choices, as they may crack or break in colder conditions. Instead, opt for containers made of plastic or wood, which offer better insulation. Roses require full sun to flourish, so be sure to provide them with plenty of sunlight for optimal growth and blooming.

7. Mandevilla

These climbing plants feature elegant trumpet-shaped flowers in hues of pink, red, or white, adorning vines that gracefully ascend any provided trellis. While they can be brought indoors during winter in colder climates, they tend to be finicky and may shed leaves. They thrive best in mostly sunny conditions, but in regions with hot climates, it’s advisable to provide them with some shade during the peak of the day, particularly in Southern areas.

8. Cherry Tomato

Nothing compares to the satisfaction of plucking a freshly picked cherry tomato straight from the vine and savoring its burst of flavor! Opt for newer varieties that maintain a compact and attractive appearance when grown in containers, as opposed to sprawling vines characteristic of heirloom types. Cherry tomatoes thrive in full sun conditions, ensuring optimal growth and fruit production.